Monday, February 05, 2007

It begins again...

the craziness that is my life. Not that I'm complaining or anything, just speaking about it. I got up at 7AM (okay, I set my alarm for 7 and hit snooze until 7:27). I got cleaned up & managed to make it out the door, fully-clothed, at a little after 8. Today was my first official day working in the production office for the NAACP Image Awards. I got there at 9 and realized I had forgotten the power cord for my laptop. Sigh. Luckily there was someone else in my office with the same type of computer.

I worked from 9 until 6:15PM (no breaks in production), then high-tailed it over the hill to Actorsite to take a workshop with Casting Associate Christal Karge of Liberman/ Patton Casting. My scene partner (Mike Pish) and I did a scene from "King of Queens". Funny stuff. It went well.

I usually don't like to leave these workshops early b/c I think it's rude to do my thing and not give the same audience for everyone else. Plus a lot of the people do GREAT work and I love to watch them because they inspire me. But, I left early so I could get home and eat something light before the woman who is printing the nomination certificates for the Image Awards comes by to drop off the drafts. It's 10:24 and I'm still waiting. I'm tired.

I have to shower and lay my clothes out for tomorrow so I can get to the office early. Lots to do and I have a commercial audition at 11:35 in Santa Monica. Then I have Pilates at 7:30PM.

So much to do, and it never stops. I don't think I would want it to. Just a little fatigued right now. And I know I have a couple of friends who are not real happy with me right now b/c we don't talk as much as we used to. I just don't have as much TIME as I used to. I'm the CEO of a business (my acting career), and working various other jobs here and there. I'm very connected to my family (though not as much lately as I have been in the past), and those three pieces of the pie ALONE take up most of my day. By the time I carve out a few minutes for myself, the LAST thing I want to do is get on the phone and talk to 5 more people who have left me voicemail messages (3 of which are really salty because I haven't called them back from the last time they called). I don't know that there's a better way to put it. It doesn't mean I don't care, or I don't want to be friends anymore, it means that, right now, this is where I am. I'm averaging 5 hours of sleep a night (my body really wants 9-10), so if I can't even find a way to get a decent night's sleep, you can't fault me for not having time to chit-chat every other day.

Okay, let me call this printer & find out where she is. I need her to drop off these drafts so I can go to bed.



P.S.--My audition tomorrow is for Time Warner Roadrunner. I want it. ;o)

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