Thursday, October 11, 2007

2 auditions today

and one yesterday. The one yesterday was for a TNT episodic entitled...shoot, it's late and I've forgotten the name of it. It went well though.

Today I went to my first audition--it was for an indie feature called "Angel Wishes". I sucked. Ugh. Don't even want to elaborate. I was distracted and...just sucked. I left that audition (Beverly Hills), and was headed back to the valley to pick my mom up (visiting) and go shopping for flowers (avid gardeners), when I got a call from my commercial agency (yayy!) saying I had an audition for a McDonald's commercial and to get to Santa Monica before 3PM. It was around ten minutes to 2 then.

I drove to Santa Monica and caught the casting assistant right before he left for lunch. He was nice enough to take me in there and let me do my thing. The audition went well.

Not a lot to say, and I have a lot to do. Talk soon.


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