I've been working on the BET Awards for 4 days now, and in that time, I've had 4 auditions. Production work can be very stressful because one hiccup can have have major repercussions, so a lot of attention to detail is required. I am fortunate and grateful to be able to work for people who trust me enough not to trip about my auditioning and/or shooting during the time leading up to a show. Honestly, I think I worry more than they do. And while I don't profess to be perfect, so far I haven't created any problems that weren't able to be resolved fairly quickly. The same people keep hiring me, year after year, so I must be doing okay.
But it's a LOT of work, and a lot of pressure. When I have auditions, I either go into the office early, or I stay late. In the middle, I step the work up double-time and do a lot of driving back and forth across town (sometimes changing clothes in my car, and always frinding the right headshot to staple to the right resume) to get to my auditions. I can't shortchange my production team by not getting my work done, and I can't shortchange myself or my representation by being less than my absolute best at each and every audition.
I get more mentally fatigued than anything else. When I get home at the end of the day, and there are sides (scenes from a script) waiting to be learned, my second shift begins. This is the career that I've chosen, and this is what it takes sometimes.
This morning I had an audition at Stordahl/ Terry Casting for a new show called "Ruby and the Rockits". It's a show starring David & Patrick Cassidy, and written by Shaun Cassidy. It went well, but I think I am younger than what they are looking for. The breakdown called for a woman in her 40s, and when I got there they asked me if I was old enough to have been a fan of the Cassidys. (Just for reference sake, the two older Cassidys are around my mother's age.) I told the truth: I remember that they were a big deal, and one of them was on "The Partridge Family", but I was a kid and they weren't really on my radar. I was all about "Sesame Street". In Spanish. The Count going "Uno-hahahaha-Dos-hahaha--" THAT was must-see TV to me. Morgan Freeman as "Easy Reader" on "The Electric Company" - THAT'S what I remember.
After my audition, I went in to work. When I was almost there, my phone rang. When I saw that it was my commercial agency I went into "please don't let it be an audition" mode, which is perilously close to hyperventilation-ville. I had so much to do in the production office (celebs are counting on me to get their flights booked), and I just was not mentally prepared to have to drive across town and be a perky housewife or whatever. Of course I would have gone, and I would have put my game face on ('cuz that's what "professionalism" is), but I didn't have to, because it was the owner of the agency calling to let me know about a paycheck that's coming. (Yayy!) I went on to have a very productive day at work, but I live on pins and needles because every time the phone rings, I know it could be an audition, and require rearranging of my delicate balance.
Somehow, though, so far, I haven't fallen on my face. In fact, I've thrived. And I'm grateful for every opportunity afforded to me.
Let's hope the trend continues. Fingers crossed. ;o)
P.S. - That is N-O-T a picture of me. I have enough work just staying upright while walking, I sure as heck ain't EVER purposely done a backflip on ice. That's ice skater Surya Bonaly, doing her signature backflip. She landed on one blade. That's how I feel mentally most days.
Yes, but it's MUCH funnier if I amagine that it IS you doing a back-flip on ice.