Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Interview with "Natural Hair in the Media"!

Tiffany Davis, creator of Natural Hair in the Media, interviewed me this past week.  Please be sure to read the interview HERE!

While wandering around the internet, looking for the name of an actress whose hair I liked, I stumbled upon the blog "Natural Hair in the Media," and lingered for a while.  A long while.  Choosing to wear my natural hair texture instead of straightening it to be more "mainstream" was a big deal for me at the time when I did it (I believe it was 1999), because I didn't see a lot of women making the same choice, and found little to no support in my usually supportive circle of family and friends.  I found support on the web, cut off all of my long, relaxed hair, and had to grow my hair from its new half-inch length.  As it grew, I grew.

When I began my professional acting career, I took a look at the "market" (because this IS a business), and wondered if I should wear wigs.  I opted to do what made me most comfortable, because I felt it would allow me to be at my best.

I was right.


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