Sunday, February 03, 2013

A Simple Resolution.

"The Fairest" - oil painting by Nicole J. Butler*

We're into February already, but here I am, writing about resolutions.  What gives?

I don't really do New Year's Resolutions, but I can't deny that the end of the year seems like a natural time to wind down and take stock of things, so sometime between November and February, I go through that process.  This time, my primary focus is simple:

I want to spend time doing more of what I want, and less of what I don't want.  Simple, right?  Yep.  But "simple" is not the same as "easy."

My day often gets hijacked by minutiae (I suspect that this happens to many of us), and many of the things that I find most important fall by the wayside, or I end up cramming them into less time than I need.  I'm really working to turn that around.  Now that I'm back in acting class (and meeting with scene partners), there's even MORE of a need to budget my time in a way that feeds my spirit, instead of leaving me tired (exhausted, really), and depleted.

In 2013, every single day, I will make sure I do at least one thing that supports my health (mental or physical), my career, or my personal relationships.  On most days I would love to do all 3, but I know that won't always happen, 1 a day, every day, is do-able.

In short, this year is about cultivating a practice of self-care, and I'm posting it here, because I want to be able to look back at this post in months to come and see marked differences for the better- physically, mentally, career-wise, and in my interpersonal relationships.


P.S. - *The photo above is my latest painting.  I worked from a photo that my teacher had in his archives, and kept many of the same elements, but changed the colors as well as some of the details of her face.  I've tried to find out the original artist's name to give credit, but I have no idea who it is.  My intention is not to present someone else's idea as my own.

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