Thursday, December 31, 2009

Out With the Old, In With the New.

I don't put a lot of stock in "New Year's Resolutions," because any changes you can make at the dawn of a new year can be made at ANY time during the year.  That said, I do understand that the new year is a marker, much like a birthday or anniversary, that measures the passage of time, and for many, it can be an easy way to pick a start date and take the time before that date to prepare mentally for the change to come.

Usually I spend NYE with friends, drink more than I should, and watch the ball drop on someone's gigantic flat-panel TV.  This NYE finds me at home drinking Martinelli's Sparkling Cider (a non-alcoholic beverage b/c I'd like to be lucid tonight, wake up clear-headed tomorrow and clean my apartment), and reflecting on 2009.  I'm deciding what I'd like to discard and leave in 2009, and what I'd like to allow to come with me into 2010, and possibly beyond.

A lot of lessons have stuck with me this year.  Some notables:
  • All I can do is all I can do.
  • I, and I alone can decide when I've done all I can do.
  • When we do the best we can, there is no guilt later on.
  • Everyone is imperfect and deserves patience as well as grace.
  • There is nothing wrong with expressing righteous anger.
  • If I am not adding value to the world, I am taking up space that could be utilized by someone who will.
  • Everyone is more special than they know.
  • Peace of mind is underrated.
  • Love is the only true emotion.  All other emotions stem from lack of love.  (Think about that one.)
On this New Years Eve, I wish each and every one of you happiness, prosperity, and the freedom to live 'on purpose.'  Go get it.  It's all yours.



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